18 research outputs found

    Implementing a Decision-Aware System for Loan Contracting Decision Process

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    The paper introduces our work related to the design and implementation of a decision-aware system focused on the loan contracting decision process. A decision-aware system is a software that enables the user to make a decision in a simulated environment and logs all the actions of the decision maker while interacting with the software. By using a mining algorithm on the logs, it creates a model of the decision process and presents it to the user. The main design issue introduced in the paper is the possibility to log the mental actions of the user. The main implementation issues are: user activity logging programming and technologies used. The first section of the paper introduces the state-of-the-art research in process mining and the framework of our research; the second section argues the design of the system; the third section introduces the actual implementation and the fourth section shows a running example.Decision-Aware Systems, Decision Activity Logs, Decision Mining, Codeigniter, JSON

    Preprocessing and Content/Navigational Pages Identification as Premises for an Extended Web Usage Mining Model Development

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    From its appearance until nowadays, the internet saw a spectacular growth not only in terms of websites number and information volume, but also in terms of the number of visitors. Therefore, the need of an overall analysis regarding both the web sites and the content provided by them was required. Thus, a new branch of research was developed, namely web mining, that aims to discover useful information and knowledge, based not only on the analysis of websites and content, but also on the way in which the users interact with them. The aim of the present paper is to design a database that captures only the relevant data from logs in a way that will allow to store and manage large sets of temporal data with common tools in real time. In our work, we rely on different web sites or website sections with known architecture and we test several hypotheses from the literature in order to extend the framework to sites with unknown or chaotic structure, which are non-transparent in determining the type of visited pages. In doing this, we will start from non-proprietary, preexisting raw server logs.Knowledge Management, Web Mining, Data Preprocessing, Decision Trees, Databases

    Web Content Management Systems, a Collaborative Environment in the Information Society

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    The aim of the present paper is to analyze the main models of collaboration and the use of a Web CMS, in order to develop an online community. Taking into consideration the multitude of the existing Web CMSs on the market and their diverse functionalities, we conducted a prospective study that tests the development trends in the field, with the view of finding out which are the most important Web CMSs in practice, and which are the most important functionalities they have to possess, in order to develop a collaborative online community. The results of the study show that the most popular Web CMS is Joomla, and the most widespread programming language is PHP. Likewise, we consider that this study can help the entry-level web developers to get an overview of the most popular Web CMSs, and their functionalities.collaboration, content management, web content management systems

    Extracting Usage Patterns and the Analysis of Tag Connection Dynamics within Collaborative Tagging Systems

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    Collaborative tagging has become a very popular way of annotation, thanks to the fact that any entity may be labeled by any individual based on his own reason. In this paper we present the results of the case study carried out on the basis of data gathered at different time intervals from the social tagging system developed and implemented on Întelepciune.ro. Analyzing collective data referring to the way in which community members associate different tags, we have observed that between tags, links are formed which become increasingly stable with the passing of time. Following the application of methodology specific to network analysis, we have managed to extract information referring to tag popularity, their influence within the network and the degree to which a tag depends upon another. As such, we have succeeded in determining different semantic structures within the collective tagging system and see their evolution at different stages in time. Furthermore, we have pictured the way in which tag rec-ommendations can be executed and that they can be integrated within recommendation sys-tems. Thus, we will be able to identify experts and trustworthy content based on different cat-egories of interest

    Initiatives in the Romanian eHealth Landscape

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    Even if the foundation in the field of eHealth was set almost half century ago, the current achievements’ status does not place Romania on a good position in a European ranking. The efforts made during the last years are promising, but they still cannot surpass the enormous gaps in many eHealth indicators. This is not a surprising fact because the eHealth level must be sustained by a healthy and stable sanitary system and infrastructure, which, in our country, is almost in collapse, especially now in the context of global economic and financial crisis. We consider being guilty for these circumstances the lack of a clear and solid mid-term strategy developed at the level of the Ministry of Health (MoH), harmonized in a global legal and regulatory framework as well, and also the non-correlated researcher groups interests. The good attitude of practitioners regarding the challenges of new technologies and the political will can still give a chance to the Romanian healthcare system and to its modern faces

    Estrés laboral en la Clínica de Cedily

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    Actualmente es cada vez más común escuchar que el estrés está asociado al desarrollo de diversas enfermedades; sin embargo, no siempre ha quedado claro cómo puede alterar el funcionamiento de los sistemas del organismo y conducir a estados de enfermedad.En esta investigación se planea identificar cuáles son los factores institucionales que producen estrés en el personal de enfermería, durante el servicio de atención en el servicio de salas de cirugía de la Clínica de Cedily.Aunque, esta problemática se viene presentando alrededor de hace 3 años, debido al aumento del volumen de pacientes que consultan en esta prestigiosa organización, pero vamos a poner como referencia lo que va corrido de 201

    User Behavior on Online Social Networks: Relationships among Social Activities and Satisfaction

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    Social networking sites (SNSs) are now ubiquitous communities for constant online interpersonal interactions that trigger symmetric or asymmetric effects on our everyday life. Recent studies advocate in favor of the significant role that SNSs have in promoting well-being and, more importantly, in disseminating reliable information during a global crisis, such as the current COVID-19 pandemic. Based on the growing importance of SNSs to the global framework, the main purpose of this study is to empirically assess the link between the use of symmetric social networks such as Facebook, or asymmetric social networks, like Instagram, and the level of satisfaction, employing the methodology of structural equation modeling. The results of the research validate the hypothesis that SNS activities increase the level of satisfaction, and therefore, that there is a direct link between the number of posts and comments and the level of satisfaction. Furthermore, based on the reversible and significant link between the level of satisfaction and the importance attributed to SNSs, the main conclusion of the study is that the higher the importance of the SNS, the greater the level of dissatisfaction experienced by users. Also, public activities on social networks positively affect social network satisfaction, while private activities have a direct negative relationship with the importance of social networks

    Diseño de una propuesta pedagógica- deportiva, para la rehabilitación de adictos a la marihuana entre los 15 y 25 años de edad, en la institución el Jordán (Bogotá D.C.)

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    Investigación que tuvo como finalidad diseñar una propuesta pedagógica basada en el deporte para la rehabilitación de sujetos adictos a la marihuana. Los resultados de los instrumentos aplicados y de la prueba piloto en el grupo experimental revelaron que esa población, esta de acuerdo y tiene la necesidad, de que se aplique dicha propuesta para que se convierta en una solución viable al problema de adicción a las drogas, facilitando de esa forma la inclusión de nuevo a la sociedad